Saturday, September 15, 2012

Don't Mess With US

Happy Friday!  I am Lance Pisowicz and this is “What’s Wrong With Washington”.  I am happy to not only be back on my Friday blog but also thankful to have my Twitter account again.  I know I promised you guys an explanation on why my account was suspended all of last week and this week until Tuesday, so here I am.  As many of you are aware I post many photos, links, quotes, etc. on Twitter so you guys can enjoy them.  I never post ads for businesses or anything that does not pertain to my website, community, or life.  Apparently Twitter’s systems detected my account as a potential spam threat and suspended me.  I was told this happens from time to time but nevertheless my account was suspended.  I first noticed I was suspended on Labor Day afternoon and immediately sent Twitter an appeal request.  Within a few minutes an automated message directed me to send an email appeal to Twitter’s Support Staff.  I followed suit and emailed them requesting to know why I was suspended.  I was very professional and polite in my email, I’m sure all of you who are on Twitter can relate to my frustration, and the fact that I would have over 8,000 people wondering what happened to me only made matters worse.  Each day I waited for a reply from Twitter’s Support Staff until finally on Tuesday afternoon I received word that my account had been reinstated and concise apology for the mistaken suspension.  Quite the adventure right?  But the more I thought about the day I was reinstated on the more my frustration subsided.  To think that just eleven years earlier more than 3,000 innocent people had lost their lives, made me realize my situation was of little significance.  It feels good to be back, and I have just a couple of reminders before we begin.  Please do check out my website, Lance Pisowicz Online (  Also become a subscriber of my Youtube Channel (, like my Facebook (, or follow me on Twitter (  You can also subscribe to my blogs on blogger ( and  It would be a pleasure for me and everyone else involved with Lance Pisowicz Online if you would join us there sometime.

Considering the magnitude of Tuesday’s September 11th anniversary I thought I would spend tonight’s blog paying my respects to the victims of another tragedy this past week. As many of you are aware, four Americans were killed in Libya in an attack on the U.S. Consulate.1

Among the victims were U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, and two former Navy SEALS.  If you understand foreign policy, you know that when a country has an embassy or in this case a consulate (somewhat like a junior embassy for lack of a better term) are considered property of the said country.  The land then does not belong to the country that surrounds the embassy but rather is part of the country the embassy represents.  Citizens of the surrounding country are not allowed inside or on the property of the said country’s embassy unless otherwise permitted by authorities from the represented country.

If a member of the surrounding country trespasses on the embassy’s property or worse enters the building it is considered invading the embassy’s country and an international offense.  This is considered an act of war even if violence is not involved at all.

In simple terms, the fact that four Americans were killed at a U.S. Consulate by Libyan citizens (although not officially supported by the Libyan government) was an act of war against the United States.  The question is, how should we respond?

Not let’s be rational, it would be ridiculous to start a war over a single issue like this, however, our stance toward Libya will certainly be more strenuous than it has been in the past.  There are talks of cutting off all foreign aid to Libya, and I believe that should only be our initial response.  I also think we should add Libya to our “watch” list as a potentially hostile nation. 

But it’s not just Libya we should keep an eye on.  There have been similar protester attacks aimed at Americans and the U.S. Embassies in Egypt and Yemen.  Should we even have supported the Arab Spring in the first place?

Don’t get me wrong, I believe democracy is the best form of human government there is.  After all God created us equal didn’t He?  No one man should have more say than another.  The problem is this Arab Spring is not a group of revolutions that follow in the footsteps of the American Revolution.  The Arab Spring is rather more reminiscent of the French Revolution of the 1790s, one of the bloodiest time periods in world history.  Instead of reason and decency being at the center of a government overhaul, mob rule and chaos run the show. 

I saw a photo on Facebook with a caption that goes like this:  “In 1986 a group of Libyans killed Americans.  In response, President Ronald Reagan bombed their leader’s house.  Libya remained quiet for almost twenty-five years.  Then someone apologized.”

In the past four years it has become increasingly apparent that President Obama’s idea of compromise and desire for reconciliation and love from America’s enemies has failed.  Foreign bullies have walked all over us and our friends.  Just look at the situation with the soon to be nuclear power of Iran.  We need a president who wants foreign countries to respect us before they “love” us.

While Hosni Mubarak and Muammar Gaddafi were highly corrupt and cruel to their people, they at least understood the boundaries of their foreign policy.  You don’t mess with US.

That will be it for us tonight.  I hope you have enjoyed our broadcast tonight, as much as I have.  Thanks again, and God bless you all.  I will see you all next Sunday.  Have a great weekend!




Friday, August 10, 2012

Setting the Record Straight

Happy Friday!  I am Lance Pisowicz and this is “What’s Wrong With Washington”.  I’m glad to be back in the Chicagoland area after my family and I enjoyed our vacation in Florida.  Unfortunately due to the hectic schedule I have with school beginning on Wednesday I will not be presenting a blog on Sunday for Lance’s Weekly Walk.  I have just a couple of reminders before we begin.  Please do check out my website, Lance Pisowicz Online (  Also become a subscriber of my Youtube Channel (, like my Facebook (, or follow me on Twitter (  You can also subscribe to my blogs on blogger ( and  It would be a pleasure for me and everyone else involved with Lance Pisowicz Online if you would join us there sometime.

I have two key topics I want to evaluate this evening that have been under the spotlight for the past couple of weeks.  The first story I would like to cover is one that absolutely erupted once I left town for the sunshine state.  In the recent weeks and months the public has watched numerous companies and organizations take sides in the same-sex marriage debate.  The first time I covered a subject like this I scorned Nabisco for posting a photo of a rainbow Oreo with the caption “Pride” on Oreo’s official Facebook page.  However, Nabisco was widely praised by the media for their “stand”.  Within the past couple of weeks Chick fil A has come under fire for supposedly opposing the rights of homosexuals.  These were just two of the companies mentioned in this media “field day”, so I’m here to set the record straight on who said what and exactly who was in the wrong.

A little over a week ago I posted a statement on Twitter which basically sums up my view on the topic.

“Funny how the left ignores my policy of businesses selling products not ideas until 1 takes the Conservative side. Good for Chick Fil A!” - July 30th

Does that make sense?  The mainstream media praised Nabisco for their view when they expressed it as a company, while all that happened with Chick fil A was that the CEO expressed his personal view.

To me, this shows a great deal of bias toward one side of a still quite controversial issue in American politics.  The idea that same-sex marriage is acceptable is not necessarily “the norm” right now.  There are those who believe in the idea of traditional marriage, and their viewpoints count no less than do those who accept homosexuality and want to push forward on same-sex “rights”.

I have nothing wrong with a person who wants to speak out and express his or her viewpoint as an individual.  I hold nothing against a public official who voices their view on the topic and makes it part of his/her campaign if that official will actually be in a position of power regarding that policy.

For example, I may not agree with Jeff Bezos and his viewpoint on same-sex marriage, but at least he distinguished his viewpoint from his companies.1  I treat him the same way I treat Dan Cathy, the CEO of Chick fil A (although I agree with Cathy’s viewpoint) since they did not pour their personal views into their company’s philosophy.2

I also would not have a problem with the governor of a state opposing same-sex marriage or supporting same-sex marriage since the policy is actually controlled at the state level.

Nabisco was in the wrong in my book.  They came out and released their view as a company.  Had Nabisco’s CEO or any other employee come out and expressed his/her viewpoint individually, I would show them the same respect I show Cathy and Bezos.  The problem with a company or organization taking a political stance is the fact that large corporations are so diverse, it is wrong to speak for everyone on a controversial issue like same-sex marriage.  While it is completely within their rights to do so, I would say that it is an ignorant business decision.  A business is supposed to sell a product or service, not a viewpoint or idea.

I also have a problem with is President Obama and the Democratic Party attempting to make same-sex marriage a policy platform on the national level.3  Marriage laws are determined on the state level so when a president, a senator, or a U.S. congressman attempts to gain votes using a state issue.  Leave the rights of the states to the states and leave the rights of the federal government to the federal government.  Do not go out and show blatant disregard for the Constitution.

To conclude this evening, I thought I’d revisit the Vice President drama that surrounds Mitt Romney and the Republican Party leading up to the Republican National Convention in Tampa at the end of the month.

I know all of the suspense has been quite exhausting for those of us watching the political landscape very closely in one of the most important election years in recent memory, but I’d say all of the publicity is a good thing.

It is good to have the country dreaming big on who might be America’s second in command, especially if their dream comes true or even if Romney’s choice exceeds their expectations.  The question is:  will we know who it is before the convention?

All of the reports I have been getting from my inside connections suggest that we will find out sometime this weekend.  Among the finalists I have heard the names Paul Ryan, Tim Pawlenty, Rob Portman, Bobby Jindal, Bob McDonnell, John Thune, and even Marco Rubio.

Word is that those who download Romney’s new iPhone and Android App, “MyMitt” will now before the general public.  However, I am hoping to get the insider info on who meets with Romney and the lucky winners of his most recent contest.  I will inform you all as I learn more.

That will be it for us tonight.  I hope you have enjoyed our broadcast tonight, as much as I have.  Thanks again, and God bless you all.  I will see you all next Friday.  Have a great weekend!





Saturday, July 21, 2012

Who Built it Then?

Happy Friday!  I am Lance Pisowicz and this is “What’s Wrong With Washington”.  This will be the only edition of my Friday blog that I will present until August 10th after I have returned from my vacation to Florida.  I have just a couple of reminders before we begin.  Please do check out my website, Lance Pisowicz Online (  Also become a subscriber of my Youtube Channel (, like my Facebook (, or follow me on Twitter (  You can also subscribe to my blogs on blogger ( and  It would be a pleasure for me and everyone else involved with Lance Pisowicz Online if you would join us there sometime.

I have a couple of key topics that I would like to highlight tonight, but for now I would like to take a moment to honor the victims of the Colorado movie theater shooting early Friday morning.  It saddens me to think that something as simple and innocent as going to see a movie can end in horror.  My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families during this difficult time.  I also am confident in our judicial system that those responsible will be brought to justice, and that God will be glorified through the entire process.

To begin with our coverage for tonight, I would like to discuss something that has been blowing up my Twitter feed much of this week.  I have had the privilege of receiving insider information from a Mitt Romney campaign intern in regards to who his Vice President choice might be.  From what I have heard, the known finalists are Rob Portman (Senator from Ohio), Tim Pawlenty (former Minnesota Governor), and Bobby Jindal (Louisiana Governor).  I have also heard rumors about John Thune (Senator from South Dakota) possibly being the “dark horse” in the whole process.  Although, GOP favorites Marco Rubio (Senator from Florida), Paul Ryan (Congressman from Wisconsin), and Condoleezza Rice (former Secretary of State) might also surprise us as well.

Now that we’ve taken a look at the potential vice presidential candidates let’s take a look at the two guys who are running for president.  Both President Obama and Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney have been trading jabs in many different categories as the November elections approach.  One of the key battles has been over “you didn’t build that” remark President Obama made recently in regard to entrepreneurs and business owners.1  So I must ask the president:  Who built it then?

President Obama has claimed that the remark was aimed at showing that government has helped make business success possible.  However, Mitt Romney has said that the president’s remark was a direct insult to small business owners, entrepreneurs, and thinkers throughout the nation.

Some have called this statement a pivotal point in the 2012 elections, and it has played a role in Mitt Romney now leading President Obama 45-43 percent in a recent ABC News Poll according to Hannity on July 19th.2

Will statements like this, ever-increasing gas prices, and an 8.2 unemployment rate doom President Obama in November?  Only time will tell.

That will be it for us tonight.  For those of you wondering about the Ultimate Patriot competition and sweepstakes, I encourage you to visit the official website of the event at: for more information.  There you will find documents, links, a promo video, and a whole lot more.  By the way, the entire event is free and you have the opportunity to win a $25 E-Gift Certificate if you participate.  I hope you’ll join us with that. 

I hope you have enjoyed our broadcast tonight, as much as I have.  Thanks again, and God bless you all.  I will see you one last time (Sunday) before I leave for my vacation in Florida.  Have a great weekend!



  1. Hannity (7/19/12)

Friday, June 29, 2012

Who Spoke?

It’s the last Friday in the month of June!  I am Lance Pisowicz and this is “What’s Wrong With Washington”.  As I prepare for my trip to Alaska, I have been incredibly busy packing and studying for my responsibilities there.  I am very excited about my trip and actually have a meeting at tonight at the time that I normally prepare this blog.  So I am writing and recording this week’s edition prior to my meeting.  With that being said, I will spend most of my time this evening focusing on one key topic.  I have just a couple of reminders before we begin.  Please do check out my website, Lance Pisowicz Online (  Also become a subscriber of my Youtube Channel (, like my Facebook (, or follow me on Twitter (  You can also subscribe to my blogs on blogger ( and  It would be a pleasure for me and everyone else involved with Lance Pisowicz Online if you would join us there sometime.

As I said in my opening, I will spend my time tonight on one main subject.  Sure I could analyze Oreo’s endorsement of same-sex marriage and offer my insight that a business sells a product and not an idea, but I think at this point we are all tired of hearing about this highly controversial issue.  The truth is, at the present time we all have more immediate issues to address.  We have millions of people out of work, an ever-growing national debt, and a health care system that not only goes against our founding principles but threatens to bankrupt our nation.  That last topic I mentioned will be what we will analyze this evening.

I am sure many of you are aware of what has been occurring in Washington these past few weeks.  The Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that Obamacare was not unconstitutional.  Now reports are surfacing that there was a initially enough support to strike down the centerpiece of President Obama’s administration, but Chief Justice John Roberts flipped to support the law.  Why would the Chief Supreme Court Justice (who traditionally has been seen as one of the more conservative jurors) decide to take the liberal stance?

Regardless of John Robert’s motives for supporting the law in the end, the Supreme Court’s ruling will have a significant impact in the November elections.  Gone is the option for Democrats to promise a revised, more “center of the aisle” healthcare plan.  They are stuck with the plan they approved in March of 2010 which led to their heavy defeat in the 2010 mid-term elections.  Could we see a similar result in 2012?  I’d say history is more than likely to repeat itself.

According to a recent poll by Fox News, 83.11% of Americans say that they plan to elect lawmakers to repeal Obamacare rather than accept it and move on.1  After all, the president certainly cannot expect forgiveness if he hasn’t even apologized.

The opportunity for the president to act as though Republicans ruined his plan to provide better healthcare for the people is also gone with the Supreme Court’s upholding of the law.

With a significant level of public outrage over the decision rather than acceptance, a close race between Obama and Romney may be close no longer.  I’d expect to see a reasonable drop in President Obama’s approval ratings when the next poll is conducted.

Democrats now are forced to attempt to encourage the public that they should simply accept the Supreme Court’s ruling as the ultimate right.  But the fact is that the Supreme Court is simply just another branch of government.  The Judicial government is no more immune to public outrage than the Legislative or Executive branches.

The truth is the American people are the boss when it comes to government, and that includes all branches.  Unlike Wisconsin’s decision to retain Scott Walker as governor (a decision made by the people), the decision to uphold Obamacare was made by a group of jurors who have been permitted to retain their positions for life regardless of the people’s opinion of them.

In Washington, nine government officials spoke and stood for the left.  In Wisconsin, the people spoke and stood against the left.  In November I believe the people’s voice will mean a whole lot more.

That will be it for us tonight.  For those of you wondering about the Ultimate Patriot competition and sweepstakes, I encourage you to visit the official website of the event at: for more information.  There you will find documents, links, a promo video, and a whole lot more.  By the way, the entire event is free and you have the opportunity to win a $25 E-Gift Certificate if you participate.  I hope you’ll join us with that.  Also, If you would like to have the opportunity to share your thoughts with me and all the viewers/readers of Lance Pisowicz Online, you can leave me a message/reply that might even be shared on the show, be sure to head over to: to take part in that.  I will not be presenting a “Lance’s Weekly Walk” this Sunday since I will be at my family reunion.  I will return with another “What’s Wrong With Washington” next Friday.

To close with this evening, I have a message from one of our greater readers and viewers from the great state of Ohio and the city of Columbus.

“Not about the economy, never really was; rather the Constitution and freedoms for which we have struggled mightily.  Unborn citizens subjected to slaughter everyday, Catholics stripped of conscience protection in the name of “health” care.  Send those who love our Constitution to the Senate and White House!  VOTE-FIX WASHINGTON-REPAIR the USA!”

-Karen Kurfiss
Columbus, Ohio

I hope you have enjoyed our broadcast tonight, as much as I have.  Thanks again, and God bless you all.  I will see you one last time (Sunday) before I leave for my ten day trip to Alaska.  Have a great weekend!



Friday, June 22, 2012

A Win-Win Scenario

Happy Friday!  I am Lance Pisowicz and this is “What’s Wrong With Washington”.  Tonight’s blog will be significantly shorter since I have been busy preparing for my family reunion this weekend.  I have just a couple of reminders before we begin.  Please do check out my website, Lance Pisowicz Online (  Also become a subscriber of my Youtube Channel (, like my Facebook (, or follow me on Twitter (  You can also subscribe to my blogs on blogger ( and (  It would be a pleasure for me and everyone else involved with Lance Pisowicz Online if you would join us there sometime.

This evening I am going to focus on a small but important topic and analyze its effect in the November elections.  As many of you are aware both President Obama and Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney have been sparring on the issue of illegal immigration.  Here’s a quote from Mitt Romney from his speech at the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials conference in Orlando, Florida.

“We can find common ground here, and we must. We owe it to ourselves as Americans to ensure that our country remains a land of opportunity – both for those who were born here and for those who share our values, respect our laws, and want to come to our shores.”

I think that pretty much sums up his and the general Republican view on immigration.  Throughout history the Republican Party has carried a similar banner.  They have been the party that has stood for equality both for those who are new to our nation and those who became citizens by birth.

The Republican Party is a political organization formed by abolitionist like my fourth-great grandfather, Comfort Carpenter Walker who believed that all men were indeed created equal.  First men like him spoke out through politics by selecting Abraham Lincoln as their next President in 1860.  Then they spoke out through action by joining the Union army in an attempt not only to restore national unity but also to achieve the true meaning of a principle within the Declaration of Independence.

Some of these men even volunteered to fight without being drafted like my fourth great-grandfather, Comfort Carpenter Walker who joined the Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry (11th Regiment, Company D) when the war broke out.  He fought through 1861 and much of 1862 until he died at Camp Patterson in November of 1862 due to undisclosed illness.  Comfort left behind a wife and four children when he died at the age of 39 and like many men like him, was a hero to his family, his community, and his country.

As I prepare to gather with that same family at another of our biannual family reunions, I reflect on not only his life but also the lives of my other ancestors who poured their heart and soul into their family, their country, and their spiritual lives.

Today there are those who accuse the Republican Party of being the party of racism and discrimination, when in effect the Republicans are yet again the party who looks out for the well-being not of a special interest group but of the entire population.

A key element we must remember is that Mitt Romney and Conservatives are not against immigration.  They are against ILLEGAL immigration.  As I have said in previous blogs, I believe that immigration has been a terrific blessing to our nation throughout history.  Whether it was the English, Spanish, Dutch, and French who were the original immigrants to the New World, the Irish and Germans who came prior to the Civil War, or the Eastern and Southern Europeans who arrived at the turn of the 20th Century one thing is for certain.  Immigrants have contributed to our nation in many ways.

Now as we look to the more recent years of immigration, we realize that a greater number of people have been coming to America from Asia and Latin American nations.  In the same way, they have offered the United States great benefits.

However, we realize that failure to control our own borders sets us on a path to follow the path of fallen civilizations such as that of the Roman Empire.

What solution do I offer?  I think we should improve the defense of our border but create immigration centers similar to Ellis Island in convenient locations where the greatest numbers of immigrants are entering the United States.  It’s a win-win scenario for everyone.

If Mitt Romney is able to sell this to the Hispanic American population he will be hard to defeat in November.

That will be it for us tonight.  For those of you wondering about the Ultimate Patriot competition and sweepstakes, I encourage you to visit the official website of the event at: for more information.  There you will find documents, links, a promo video, and a whole lot more.  By the way, the entire event is free and you have the opportunity to win a $25 E-Gift Certificate if you participate.  I hope you’ll join us with that.  Also, If you would like to have the opportunity to share your thoughts with me and all the viewers/readers of Lance Pisowicz Online, you can leave me a message/reply that might even be shared on the show, be sure to head over to: to take part in that.  I will not be presenting a “Lance’s Weekly Walk” this Sunday since I will be at my family reunion.  I will return with another “What’s Wrong With Washington” next Friday.

I hope you have enjoyed our broadcast tonight, as much as I have.  Thanks again, and God bless you all.  See you next week!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Returning to Our Roots

Happy Friday!  I am Lance Pisowicz and this is “What’s Wrong With Washington”.  I hope you had a great week and are looking forward to an even better weekend.  Tonight I will be discussing one key topic that I think holds very true for all Americans.  I have just a couple of reminders before we begin.  Please do check out my website, Lance Pisowicz Online (  Also become a subscriber of my Youtube Channel (, like my Facebook (, or follow me on Twitter (  You can also subscribe to my blogs on blogger ( and  It would be a pleasure for me and everyone else involved with Lance Pisowicz Online if you would join us there sometime.

Tonight I am going to focus on the topic of patriotism and national pride which I think offers a solution to many of the trials our nation faces today.  Most of you already know this, but just for the record:  I will not be holding any weekly polls while the Ultimate Patriot Competition and Sweepstakes in the months of June and July.  For those of you who do not know what the Ultimate Patriot event is, be sure to pay extra attention at the end of the program for details regarding it all.

A have been asked by several people why I am even holding an Ultimate Patriot event this summer.  I mean, why is it so significant to have such a competition?

Although it is fun to hold a competition and giving away a prize to someone is always enjoyable, neither reason was the deciding factor for me when I chose to host this event.

Some of the hardest times in our nation’s history have followed periods in which patriotism became distilled and being an American wasn’t held in the position of honor it should have been.

Just like in the years before the Civil War, or the “Roaring Twenties”, or the Jimmy Carter era we forgot who we were.

The same occurred in the years before our recent recession in which we became so obsessed with money, social status, and our own personal desires that we abandoned what truly brought us all together.

We began to focus on social issues that divided us and began to disrespect one another as a result.  I believe it takes a person of character who can not only discuss and attempt to resolve such controversial issues, but also treat both sides with the respect they deserve.

We need to remember that these individuals are human beings whether they agree with us or not.  They are not demons, or evil spirits who seek only to destroy us.  They support their cause because they genuinely believe in it.

So if we want to support innocent life from the moment of conception by passing an abortion ban or support the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman through defining marriage as it should be, we need to be the first to reach with an outstretched hand willing to cooperate with those who think differently than us, without compromising our core values.

As I said in the beginning, a lot of our issues today could be solved if Americans were more united behind issues that affect us all.  Nearly all of us can agree that the economy is struggling, but we are divided over how we should go about fixing it.

So why don’t we all look at our nation’s blueprint, the Constitution.  America was meant to be a Capitalist nation not a nation in which the government can regulate business and the lives of individual people.

In a war situation, we must unite behind our men and women in the armed forces, regardless of whether we agree with the reasons behind the war or not.  One way we could be more united in supporting a war effort would be to only get involved in wars that will have a profound effect on America’s interests.  We then could offer a World War II effort in select wars as compared to offering a Vietnam effort in many wars.

To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, let’s remember that we are one nation under God and not a nation gone under.  Whether we choose to follow the Christian faith or not, we must all recognize that its principles were present in the founding of our nation and that those same principles offer solutions to current issues.

Above all, as I have restated several times this evening, we must remember to respect one another and our differences.  The diversity in our nation is what makes us so great.  The United States of America may have been founded by Christians but it was not founded by theocrats.

When you have the opportunity to show patriotism, show it.  Whether it is reciting the pledge of allegiance, removing your cap during the nation anthem, flying your flag on Independence Day, or simply loving your countrymen, take pride in the United States and all it stands for.

Before we conclude tonight I would like to share a message I received from one of our readers and viewers:

“If my great grandfather were still alive, he wouldn't recognize this country. He came here from Italy to start his own business, and now my father can't do business because of regulations that tells him what he can and can't do on his own private land. Ridiculous.”
- Stephen Calandrino 
Middletown, New Jersey

That will be it for us tonight.  For those of you wondering about the Ultimate Patriot competition and sweepstakes, I encourage you to visit the official website of the event at: for more information.  There you will find documents, links, a promo video, and a whole lot more.  By the way, the entire event is free and you have the opportunity to win a $25 E-Gift Certificate if you participate.  I hope you’ll join us with that.  Also, If you would like to have the opportunity to share your thoughts with me and all the viewers/readers of Lance Pisowicz Online, you can leave me a message/reply that might even be shared on the show, be sure to head over to: to take part in that.

I hope you have enjoyed our broadcast tonight, as much as I have.  Thanks again, and God bless you all.  See you Sunday!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Ramifications and Results

It’s Friday and this is “What’s Wrong With Washington”.  I am Lance Pisowicz.  I had a great time at the waterpark today, and I hope you enjoyed your day as well.  Tonight we are finally returning to our normal presentation with several topics that have been important in the news over the past few weeks.  I have just a couple of reminders before we begin.  Please do check out my website, Lance Pisowicz Online (  Also become a subscriber of my Youtube Channel (, like my Facebook (, or follow me on Twitter (  You can also subscribe to my blogs on blogger ( and  It would be a pleasure for me and everyone else involved with Lance Pisowicz Online if you would join us there sometime.

As I said earlier, we are returning to our normal blog tonight now that it is summer and everything seems to have calmed down just a little bit.  Most of you already know this, but just for the record:  I will not be holding any weekly polls while the Ultimate Patriot Competition and Sweepstakes in the months of June and July.  For those of you who do not know what the Ultimate Patriot event is, be sure to pay extra attention at the end of the program for details regarding it all.

One of the greatest news stories of this past week was the results in Wisconsin’s Governor Recall Election.  As many of you are aware, Governor Scott Walker was able to retain his position as governor of Wisconsin.  He won a 53% majority over the Democratic challenger, Scott Barrett’s 46%.1  But the question remains:  what does this mean for the main election in November?

A loss in Wisconsin on Tuesday would not have devastated the Republicans, but it would have given bad ramifications in regards to what direction the state would go in the presidential election.  On the other hand, the fact that Walker was able to maintain his position after being elected in the GOP mass victories in 2010, gives a sign that 2012 may just be a little more like two years ago, than how things were four years ago.

Wisconsin played a crucial role in electing President Obama in 2008 and losing the state’s ten electoral votes this time around might be another element capable of tipping the scale in favor of Mitt Romney.

The president may have even less support for him than he anticipated, not just in Wisconsin but around the country as well.  Fox News now reports that 51% of Americans disapprove of the President’s performance, with 45% approving and 4% undecided.2

That leads me to my next topic for tonight.  The reports on incoming funds for each presidential candidate in the month of May have been released.  Mitt Romney has managed to raise $76.8 million while Barack Obama raised $60 million.3  My initial though was excitement.  Conservatives, Independents, and fed-up Democrats alike have come together to make a change in November.  However, when I considered the fact that President Obama still raised $16.4 million more than he raised in April and the fact that he has outpaced Romney in just about every other month of the campaign gave me another thought - the fight has just begun.  Take into account that Mitt did not have combined support in the past months that he now has.  Although Romney was the presumed candidate in April, Americans were still just beginning to rally around him.  Also consider the fact that Obama had raised $196.9 million by the end of March, while Romney had just $87.5 million.4  However, the month of May attests that America might just be taken back, even if Mitt Romney and his supporters have to work twice as hard.

Finally, we conclude tonight to take a look at something that was very big in the news last week.  Many of you heard about the movement to nationally ban sex-selective abortions after several videos exposed the details in how Planned Parenthood is dealing with patients who request such atrocities.  Bipartisan cooperation has led to  77% of Americans to support laws that would ban abortions based on gender.5  However, the most recent attempt to ban this practice failed after Congress was unable to gain the necessary two-thirds majority to make it law.  A vote of 246-146 was in favor of the bill, with twenty Democrats voting in favor of it and seven Republicans voting against it.6  Unfortunately it was not enough to make it the “law of the land.”

What I think is most understood about this proposition and the concept of practicing sex-selective abortions, is the fact that it is a completely separate issue from the concept of abortion itself.  Personally I am Pro-Life, but even if I were Pro-Choice I would recognize the fact that choosing whether or not one should have a child based on whether it will be a boy or a girl is the original form of discrimination.  When the left accuses Republicans of having a “war on women” they are being as hypocritical as humanly possible by conducting their “war on little women”.  I am a person who believes everyone deserves an equal opportunity to life, but what if there was a way to determine whether a child would be heterosexual or homosexual before birth, the same people who condone or even advocate sex-selective abortions would have a fit if we were to condone sexual orientation-based abortions.  Obviously both of these propositions are ridiculous, but the fact is that one of them is currently legal in nearly every state in the nation.  While the nation is much more divided on the issue of abortion as a whole, a clear majority, nearly eight out of ten Americans believe that sex-based abortions are discriminatory.

This concludes our three mini-subjects for tonight, but I do have several closing announcements.  For those of you wondering about the Ultimate Patriot competition and sweepstakes, I encourage you to visit the official website of the event at: for more information.  There you will find documents, links, a promo video, and a whole lot more.  By the way, the entire event is free and you have the opportunity to win a $25 E-Gift Certificate if you participate.  I hope you’ll join us with that.  Also, If you would like to have the opportunity to share your thoughts with me and all the viewers/readers of Lance Pisowicz Online, you can leave me a message/reply that might even be shared on the show, be sure to head over to: to take part in that.

I hope you have enjoyed our broadcast tonight, as much as I have.  Thanks again, and God bless you all.  See you Sunday!

